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This is the website for the Day Scholars Class Action (Gottfriedson v. Canada) brought on behalf of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who attended Indian Residential Schools during the day, but returned home at night (“Day Scholars”). These students were left out of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The lawsuit seeks compensation for the grave cultural, linguistic and social damage suffered by the Day Scholars, their children, and their First Nations bands as a result of forcing them to attend residential schools. For a complete list of all residential schools covered by this lawsuit, see: https://www.justicefordayscholars.com/#residential

The Day Scholars class action is different from the Aboriginal Day Schools Class Action (McLean v. Canada)that has been brought on behalf of students who were forced to attend “Indian Day Schools” (i.e. schools that were not residential schools and that students attended only during the day), and who were excluded from the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement. For more information on that lawsuit, see: https://ca.gowlingwlg.com/dayschoolclassaction/

Litigation in the Day Scholars/Gottfriedson Class Action is currently ongoing, and it is difficult to say when the lawsuit will be resolved. At the moment, The Day Scholar Executive and lawyers for the class are in negotiations with the government about a possible resolution to the lawsuit. No compensation can be provided to anyone until either a successful settlement is reached, or the lawsuit is successful at trial.

Ec k sót’u7cw (Take Special Care),  Healing one heart, one mind, & one spirit at a time!