INCLUDE the EXCLUDED! Focus on fixing the problem is the mandate of Day Scholar Executive.
How do we fix 70 years of damages that the residential schools inflicted upon our Day Scholars, on our Bands and on our communities and families?
The Day Scholar Executive Committee is focused on “fixing the problem”, to reverse the flow of the loss of language, culture, heritage and wellness that our First Nations have endured. First Nations for seven (7) decades lived with the damages and our precious way of life must be assigned back to us from all directions from east-to west-north to south.
It is vital that we restore, revitalize and advance our sacred language, culture and heritage, and advance wellness, within all our First Nations.
It is also extremely imperative that we regain our pride and that our language, culture, heritage and wellness be given back to our First Nations.
We have now agreed to go into mediation with the assistance of the Federal Court of Canada. Our first mediation session is on May 2-4. Our mediator is Mr. Justice Harrington. We hope that this mediation process achieves a fair resolution and reconciliation for our Day Scholars, the 101 Bands that have opted-in to the class actions, and our communities and families.
For more information please contact:
Jo-Anne Gottfriedson BGS/ CED
T’kemlups te Secwepemc
Day Scholar Coordinator
Co-Chair TteS & SIN Day Scholar Executive
200-330 Chief Alex Thomas Way
Kamloops.BC V2H 1H1
Office: 250-828-9788 Fax 250-372-8833
“Healing one heart, one mind & one spirit at a time”