How many Day Scholars does this settlement affect?

Approximately 12,000-20,000 Day Scholars Survivors were alive as of May 30, 2005.  In addition, Descendants (natural or adopted children) of Day Scholars may be eligible to benefit from the Day Scholars Revitalization Fund, which greatly increases the overall number...

What’s happening with the claims process right now?

The claims process for the Day Scholars Settlement has closed. It is no longer possible to submit a claim.   If you submitted a claim for compensation before January 4, 2024 and have not heard back, your claim form may be missing information. Call the Administrator at...

What is the settlement?

The settlement applies to the Day Scholar Survivor Class (students who attended Indian Residential School as Day Scholars), and the Descendant Class. The Day Scholars Survivor and Descendant Class Settlement includes a $10,000 individual compensation for each eligible...

What is this class action about?

This class action called Gottfriedson v. Canada is about the claims of Day Scholars, students who attended Indian Residential Schools (“IRS”) during the day only and did not sleep there overnight. The lawsuit asserted that the purpose, operation, and management of...