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A timeline of updates and announcements from when the Day Scholars class action was certified until the Ultimate Claims Deadline.

September 7th settlement approval hearing

For Survivor and Descendant Class Members, you have the right to participate in the settlement approval process, including appearing at the settlement approval hearing to tell the court what you think about the proposed settlement. We have an update on how to do this. More

Residential schools day scholars survivor and descendant settlement agreement reached with Canada

The Representative Plaintiffs in the class action of Gottfriedson v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada are pleased to announce that they have signed a settlement agreement with Canada on behalf of Day Scholars and their children. More

Day scholar update, February 2020

There is no Settlement! The Day Scholar Certified Class Action lawsuit is in the process of going to trial in 2021. Currently we are immersed in trial preparation. It is vital that the continuation and engagement of the advancement to obtain a fair & just settlement for our day scholars’ the 1 st generation descendants […] More

Day Scholars still left out in the cold: Survivors urge Canada to provide fair compensation to Day Scholars now

August 20, 2019 Kamloops, BC – Day Scholars are reacting to yesterday’s news about the court approval of Canada’s Indian Day Schools class-action settlement agreement by questioning why Canada continues to refuse to resolve a similar class action lawsuit brought on behalf of Day Scholars who attended Indian Residential Schools. “Day Scholars” are individuals who […] More

Day Scholars Class Action: Federal Court Judge tells Canada to “walk the walk” on reconciliation

Kamloops, BC – In a remarkable court judgment recently released, a Federal Court Judge has blasted Canada for its approach to the Day Scholars Class Action. While the Day Scholars were unsuccessful in their attempt to get a rare and difficult to obtain advanced costs order, Justice Harrington was unsparing in his criticism of Canada’s […] More

UBCIC Demands Fair, Equal Compensation for Day Scholars

(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, B.C. – March 12, 2019) A legacy of trauma and devastation inflicted upon Indigenous culture and language continues to be brushed aside by the Canadian government in its refusal to treat Day School survivors on terms equal to other Indian Residential School survivors. Day Scholars attended federally owned and operated Residential Schools during […] More

Day Scholars Class Action: Survivors left frustrated and betrayed over Canada’s continued refusal to provide fair and equal compensation for Day Scholars

February 26, 2019 Kamloops, BC – Day Scholars are extremely disheartened to report that negotiations with Canada for fair and equal compensation for Day Scholar survivors of Residential Schools have broken down because the government refuses to deal with Day Scholars survivors on the same terms as other Residential School survivors. Day Scholar survivors now […] More


This is the website for the Day Scholars Class Action (Gottfriedson v. Canada) brought on behalf of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who attended Indian Residential Schools during the day, but returned home at night (“Day Scholars”). These students were left out of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The lawsuit seeks compensation for the […] More

Update on Day Scholars Class Action: Survivors urge Canada to Provide Fair Compensation to Day Scholars Now

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 10th, 2018  Download PDF Kamloops, BC – Day Scholars reacted to news that Canada has entered into a settlement agreement regarding the Indian Day Schools class-action lawsuit by questioning why Canada has not yet resolved a similar class action lawsuit brought on behalf of Day Scholars who attended Indian Residential Schools. […] More

Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc, Sechelt First Nations and James Bay Cree Day Scholar Update

Download PDF INCLUDE the EXCLUDED! Focus on fixing the problem is the mandate of Day Scholar Executive. How do we fix 70 years of damages that the residential schools inflicted upon our Day Scholars, on our Bands and on our communities and families? The Day Scholar Executive Committee is focused on “fixing the problem”, to […] More